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Is it worth reheating a Chick-fil-A® chicken sandwich? It all depends on personal taste, but eating one cold, which I must admit I have done on occasion, is not great.

Step by step instructions on how to Reheat Chick Fil A sandwich

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Is it worth reheating a Chick-fil-A®chicken sandwich? It all depends on personal taste, but eating one cold, which I must admit I have done on occasion, is not great.


  • toaster, microwave and air fryer


  • leftover Chick Fil A sandwich


Method 1: Using a toaster or oven

  • Preheat your oven to a temperature of 370°F. You can take the chicken out of the fridge and allow it to cool down to room temperature while the oven is warming up.
  • Line a baking tray with aluminum foil. If you stored the chicken sandwich intact inside its wrapping, you would need to disassemble it.
  • Place the chicken on the lined baking sheet. Wrap the bun in foil and place that on the baking sheet too.
    Note: Rather than warming the bun in the oven, you could toast it in your toaster for one minute.
  • Depending on how crispy your chicken fillet is, heat it for between 5 and 10 minutes, flipping it over halfway through the cooking time.
    Note: >> Make sure you reheat the chicken evenly. You can do this by tearing it in half, but not all the way through, so it is still one, and testing the inside with a fingertip.
  • Reassemble your sandwich and enjoy. Don’t forget to re-add some sauce or condiments to get that extra kick.

Method 2: Using your microwave

  • Remove the chicken from the fridge 10 minutes before reheating to allow it to come up to room temperature.
  • Disassemble the sandwich if it was stored intact
  • Transfer the bun halves onto a microwave-safe plate. Fill a microwave-safe small container with a quarter cup of water and stand it next to the plate.
    Alternatively, you can drape a dampened piece of paper kitchen towel over the bun.
  • Give the bun a 10-second nuke intervals, and repeat until satisfactory warmed through. Don’t get it piping hot, as it will turn chewy as it begins to cool.
    Note: >> Rather than warming the bun up in the microwave, I prefer to slightly toast it in the toaster.
  • Transfer the chicken fillets onto a separate microwave-safe plate and give it a 30-second nuke on full power.
    Check to see if it’s warmed through evenly. If not, continue to reheat at 5 to 10-second intervals until it’d warmed all the way through.
  • Once you’re happy, marry it back up with the bun. Add some CFA source and condiments, reassemble and enjoy.

Method 3: Using an air-fryer

  • Preheat the air fryer to a temperature of 350°F for at least 5 minutes.
    If you stored the sandwich in your refrigerator, take it out and bring it to room temperature while the air fryer is preheating.
  • Transfer the chicken fillet into the air fryer and cook for five to seven minutes.
    Flip over halfway through the cooking time. This ensures they will be warmed through evenly. If you’re heating more than one, be sure not to stack them.
  • Warm the bun in your toaster for a 30 seconds or 1 minute.
  • Transfer the warmed chicken fillet onto the bottom half of the warmed bun, apply some CFA, or teriyaki or any other sauce that takes your fancy, and some pickles, if you so wish; put the top half of the bun in place, eat and enjoy.


Quick tips when reheating chicken in air fryer:

  • Preheat the air fryer for at least 5 minutes.
  • Get the chicken fillet up to room temperature before reheating.
  • Flip the chicken halfway through cooking time.
  • Warm your bun in the toaster as the fillet is reheating.
  • Add some sauce of your choice for a nice moist and crispy reheated Chick-fil-A® chicken sandwich.

Please note that all nutrition information are just estimates. Values will vary among brands, so we encourage you to calculate these on your own for most accurate results.

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Keywords: how to reheat Chick Fil A sandwich